You have great lawyers, engineers and economists, but you need somebody to connect all the dots in terms of the regulation and its impact on your business performance (revenues and costs). - You have us to do it for you!
Consulting firms
You need a special niche telecom expertise. - You have us to do it for you!
Potential investors
You need to explore the regulatory framework and see what you can expect from the new market. - You have us to do it for you!
You need real life regulatory experience from EU level and from the number of EU markets to be able to implement new regulatory solutions in home market for the benefit of end users. - You have us to do it for you!
Law firms
You need real expert view for your client’s competition cases. - You have us to do it for you!
Other institutions
You need a telecom expertise to explore different aspects of new policies and strategies. - You have us to do it for you!
Models of cooperation
Regular support
On daily basis
Non-regular support
Per project basis
Per case basis